We are full service registered master commercial electricians in Auckland.
We provide our services in Auckland Central, West Auckland, South Auckland & North Auckland.

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Commercial Electrical Design & Build

An electrical contractor capable of delivering design build solutions is almost a necessity when undertaking complex electrical projects. By engaging Ester Electrical early on in your projects planning and design phase, we can engineer and forward plan the electrical system to suit your exact needs. We are both engineers and electricians, we connect the gaps between concept/design and the physical installation.

This ensures the electrical design for your project achieves and meets your needs, whether it be:

Our services range from a simple onsite consultation in person marking up and outlining value adds on your existing Building on a consulting level, through to a high level design/build project utilizing 3D BIM or Revit, collaborating with other device engineers, architects and other project stakeholders.

Ester Electricals' ability to both over a design and installation complement on your project ensures that the final design outcome is both a practicable installation onsite but also an end-to-end solution, minimizing service clashes, float overruns and impact on design lead times.

Get in touch with the team for your project